Sunrise Launch

It’s still a little cool and the sun is just about to peak over the horizon. The breeze is hardly noticeable, and you can smell the freshness of a summer sky. It’s a perfect day to fly. For a Sunrise Launch, you’ll meet the crew an hour before sunrise at the designated location to determine the best launch site.

Filling the balloon as the sun crests over the skyline is breathtaking. As our guests, you can choose to sit back and enjoy the show or step in and be a part of the crew. The experience is uniquely yours. When everything is perfect, you and the pilot will begin a gentle float up and away. The ride-length is based on the wind, but pilots will do their best to stay up for an hour of flight time. After landing in a field or park (or wherever the wind takes us), the crew will pack up the balloon. Again, you’re welcome to help, if you like!

We complete the morning with a sparkling toast, tasty muffins, and a special ceremony. Of course, we’re taking pictures the entire time! At the conclusion of the morning, we’ll all then hop into the chase vehicle and drive back to the launch site. The total event is 3-4 hours long.

More questions? Check out our FAQ page.

Sunset Launch

Ready to experience the evening sky… from the sky? Two hours before sunset, you’ll meet the crew at the designated location to determine the best launch site. Filling the balloon is always awe-inspiring, and as our guests, you can choose to sit back and enjoy the show or step in and be a part of the crew. The experience is uniquely yours.

When everything is perfect, you and the pilot will begin a gentle float up and away. The ride-length is based on the wind, but pilots will do their best to stay up for an hour of flight time. After landing in a field or park (or wherever the wind takes us), the crew will pack up the balloon. Again, you’re welcome to help, if you like!

We conclude the evening with a sparkling toast, some appetizers, and a special ceremony. Of course, we’re taking pictures the entire time! At the conclusion of the evening, we’ll all then hop into the chase vehicle and drive back to the launch site. The total event is 3-4 hours long.

More questions? Check out our FAQ page.